Monday, 21 November 2011

How To Overcome Emigration Anxiety

It's clearly obvious to anyone thinking of emigrating overseas, that maybe has not done all that much traveling, things like 'high emotions' run the risk of spoiling the initial settling in period. Now, lets face it, that would be a bit of a disaster. Not only for you, but anyone that's lucky enough to be emigrating with you. So, with that in mind, it's only fair to keep things in the context they deserve, for everyone's sake!

Of course, emigrating is a massive thing. You're going to surely love aspects of it straight away, but of course there's bound to be parts of it you'll hate at first. Being able to take a step back and looking at the whole picture helps with some very mild bouts of anxiety attack. But, what about the bouts of anxiety attack that hit you a little deeper? Well, I've actually been researching anxiety now for a good few years. Partly because my sister, Jenny, suffered with it. I felt I should get a greater understanding for the situation she found herself in so I could feel the empathy a brother should. Little did I know that some years later, the methods I learnt to help her, would help me too! I'm not going to lie to you, I'm feeling mild to medium bouts of anxiety right now. I awoke this morning like a 'bull in a china shop' and snapped at Madison, my daughter for no real reason. That's not good at all, so I of course apologised and then realised I was suffering what I'm going to call pre-emigration anxiety. However, the method I shall provide to you will help all forms of anxiety, so grab a coffee, and give me five minutes more of your precious time...

That was quick!...

Right, the method I use is called 'The Silva Method'.

It's fantastic, it gets results and it's going to cost you the price of a second hand paperback on amazon! The Silva method doesn't just help anxiety. It can help with a whole multitude of problems. Ever get a bit forgetful? Ever feel like your lacking in confidence? Ever feel like your relationship with your partner could do with a little 'pick me up'? Yes, you've guessed it. It help's!

It's basically a self-hypnosis method that teaches you a very easy way to tap into the alpha part of the brain. The alpha part of the brain is really underused, but is the most powerful part! Do your own research on it and I'm sure you'll agree with me.

In essence, you lay down in a quite room, preferably on your own. with your head slightly raised. Close your eyes, then imagine your counting back from 100. As your counting back, you visualise the numbers in your favourite colour. Once you feel relaxed you fill your mid with positive affirmations like 'Every way, in every day, I'm feeling less anxious and less stressed. I'm feeling better and better' etc etc. Don't worry if the phone rings, or there's a knock at the door. You'll snap out of the relaxed state of mind and just function normally. But, once your happy that you've relaxed enough and filled yourself full of positivity, you then count back from 3 (thinking I'm more awake), 2 (feeling wide awake), 1 (now fully awake, feeling more positive than I have done in ages and ready to get on with my day)

Here's the link to the actual book that first got me started with 'The Silva Method'! Go give it a try!

Don't forget to bookmark my blog, we've only got just over a week before we emigrate to New Zealand. As ever, thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Hey nice way of sharing about emigration to New Zealand. Keep Sharing… Thanks!

    This blogs really helpful.
